How Much Water Can A Toilet Actually Waste?

11/12/20223 min read

white ceramic toilet bowl with cover
white ceramic toilet bowl with cover

Unfortunately the time will come for every homeowner to deal with a leaking toilet. Sometimes it's a fairly easy issue to fix. Most people will fix it right away, while other times they have no idea the toilet is leaking or.. worst case scenario, wait until the problem becomes worse and begins to cause damage or visible leaks. So, how much water does your leaking toilet actually waste and can a leaking toilet cause a water bill to increase? Let’s explore!

How Much Water Can A Leaking Toilet Waste?

There are several factors that play a role in how much water a leaking toilet will waste if left to leak. These factors include the size of the toilet tank, the severity of the leak, how slow or fast the leak is occurring and things of that nature. keep in mind that it doesn’t matter how minor or major the leak is at the time of discovery, it should be taken care of as soon as possible to conserve both water and money.

With that said, if a toilet is leaking and it’s a visible leak or audible leak, then it can waste thousands of gallons of water in just a single year. It is estimated that a leak in a toilet can waste more than 13,000 gallons in a year. In some cases, the waste can be even higher than that depending on severity. A leak that isn’t visible or very obvious can waste even more water as it goes undetected for a longer period of time. Frankly, it's your hard earned money flowing right into the sewer system.

Does A Leaking Toilet Cause Higher Water Bills

Absolutely, toilets that leak can will cause your water bill to become or remain elevated. In cases of a slow leak, one might not notice a major difference in their bill. It’s only when the leak becomes worse that people tend to notice a big difference in their water bills and think to either check or call for leak detection.

Always check for toilet leaks if the water bill has been increasing and you see no other signs of water loss. Many people have more than one toilet, so it’s important to inspect all of the toilets and keep an ear out for potential leaks. If none can be visibly detected, nor can any drips be heard, then it’s a good idea to call a company that performs water leak detection services to get a full inspection of your toilets and plumbing system. This is the best way to find out if all plumbing systems are performing and holding water as they should.

Where Do Toilets Leak From

Water Leak Detection in most toilets is an easy fix and often times doesn't require a leak detection company. That being said, toilets can leak right around their base, silently through the tank or even from different seals and fittings in which case you may have visually inspected your toilet and still have a leak.

Also, toilets can leak from behind if there is a pipe attaching to the back. Not all toilets are installed in the same way, so some toilets might not have any visible pipes attached to them, this making it more difficult to diagnose without professional leak detection assistance and tools. Let’s not forget to mention that toilet tanks can also become damaged, which can lead to them leaking.

Toilets are one of many items checked during a typical leak detection service call. Sometimes they are the sole cause of water loss in our final determination. If you believe you may be losing water from your toilet, it is advisable to contact subsurface leak detection for a full home plumbing inspection. Together we can stop all of the leaks, save money and conserve water.

For full investigation of your Colorado plumbing system call Subsurface Leak Detection at (719) 749-6850